Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Cincinnati and The Hall of Justice

Family game marathon over Christmas break in Cincinnati.

Cincinnati was noted for it's street cars

Definitely a must see and experience, not only the model trains and model city.  The Hall of Justice was fashioned after the Cincinnati Museum Center, home to extraordinaire exhibits.  I believe there are seven floors in the natural science and history museum.  I loved the tiled murals in the entry ......

Leaving Cincinnati, we circled the run way by driving to Perfect North, to see what  400 vertical feet looked like.  Over Christmas our niece skied Innsbrook, will she ever be able to ski Perfect North with the same enthusiasm?  Note that the two noodlers on the left must have been the big fish!

Earlier today, in Kennewick at The Local cafe, the two barista dudes were in constant motion creating their drinks.  It was fun to sketch these two at work.
patti kirch


  1. I really found the above post to be quite inspiring and real interesting specially the images sketches the last one showcasing the cafe is just pretty awesome and also the captions makes it more eye catching, great job.

  2. Thank you Alicia, each sketch is a learning moment, sometimes it even works!
