
Thursday, October 13, 2011

"Last Thursday's Informal Outing"

Jim's Vineyard
This last Thursday we put out a call for artists to join us at the vineyards adjacent to Bookwalter and Barnard/Griffin wineries.  Jim was there for a while by himself, but then Bob pulled in and then Dave showed up for a few minutes. 

It was cool and very windy, and Dave had other errands to run, so Bob and Jim headed for the Food Mart at the Mall to draw people and get out of the 'elements.' 

Jan's Fishing Boat at the Richland Yacht Club

By now it was about 10:30 and there was hardly a soul in the Food Court.  We did some very rough sketching, and soon Jan, from Connell, joined us. 

We talked a while then Bob had to leave, so Jan and I each enjoyed a Bruchi sandwich, and then headed out to the Richland Yacht Club.  

The wind was fierce at the Yacht Club, but Jan and Jim persevered and finished with a couple nice sketches.  

Jim's Panorama of the Yacht Club setting

We hope you enjoy the sketches; and we hope if you have yet to join us on one of these outings, you'll take it in consideration and join us this coming Saturday for the "33rd World Wide Sketchcrawl."

Hopefully the weather will cooperate Saturday, and we won't have to deal with any rain, or wind.


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