
Saturday, October 15, 2011

"33rd World Wide Sketchcrawl"

Little E and K Participating in the
33rd World Wide Sketchcrawl
Click the Picture For More
Living as we do on both sides of the mighty Columbia River,  we decided "Bridges and Things Associated With Them" would be our theme today, and what a great day it was.  

We drove down to Clover Island, a place we have been before, but each time we go, we go with fresh eyes for things and light and ideas.  Such was the case today as Jan, Jean, Pat, Dave, and Jim produced images of the Cable Bridge, the Blue Bridge, the river, the new lighthouse, Cedars Restaurant, and even Main Street.

Yichien emailed us during the outing to explain she felt she needed to keep the little ones, Emilie and Katherine, home and out of the questionable weather this morning; so they joined us "in spirit" by sketching at home.  How sweet!!!  Thank you ladies, we love your spirit!  

We hope you enjoy viewing the images.

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