
Monday, April 28, 2014

"Terra Blanca Winery"

Thanks to Patty Gardner, we are back in the good graces of the good folks out at Terra Blanca winery in Benton City.  Not that we were ever in their bad graces, just that once upon a time they asked a few of us to leave when they saw us out sketching their property.

We should have sought their permission prior to setting up, but we had become somewhat conditioned by the other wineries to think we were welcome everywhere, so we didn't. Oops.

Turns out Terra Blanca had noticed some ads were featuring their winery without the proper labeling.  We won't do that.  This is Terra Blanca winery.

I didn't know they had a cave.  Maybe someday we can get a tour and sketch some of the barrels they no doubt have stacked there.

9"x9" Super Aquabee Sketchbook, ink, watercolor, photoshop. 

1 comment:

  1. Jim, I like the structure and looking up from below.
    patti k
