
Friday, January 17, 2014

At The Blank Canvas - Jan. 15, 2014

Sometimes it's the small things that grab your attention.   Unfortunately I discovered that one of my pens was not waterproof but I kind of like it!

The Blank Canvas is a huge, basically empty building (an old JC Penney store) that is mainly used for special events.  I did not do the building or my sketcher buddies justice today but this is my attempt.

As we were leaving the venue, I took a photo of the building exterior.  Decided to try my hand at it a couple days later.  The perspective is all off and I just noticed that the signage is way out of wack.  Hmmmmm. :(


  1. I love the little step ladder and putting people in the foreground of that big ole room really gives it all a great perspective and warms it up tremendously! Sometimes we hesitate putting humans in but I think it's a lot like a picture - where are the people!! Great perspective study and dangit - don't we all come away with skewampis lines... Another day!

  2. Two really nice interior studies of the big room. Nice job capturing all those easels in the window and, that interior wall space around the front door, which isn't easy to get, is nicely presented. And, yes, people in a sketch always gives it more life and interest. I like that exaggerated perspective in the outside sketch. It kinda gives the building monumental feel.

  3. I can't believe you did all those easel! I so whimped out. Love the color on the floor boards and yes what Jim and Nancy said.

  4. Thanks you guys. I appreciate your encouragement! Did you see my sketches on the Facebook page/group or just on the blog? I didn't see them on the FB side even tho I thought I hit the FB button. Just wondering. I'll see you all tomorrow!

  5. Super cool sketches Patti G!
    I love your sketches and what you chose to sketch. If I would have turned another 45 degrees on Wednesday, I would have seen that step stool. I'm thinking that, that girl in your sketch, with the glasses, could have been me, when I was sketching Dave-Jim! lol
    Patti K
