
Saturday, April 13, 2013

"39th World Wide Sketchcrawl"

The 39th World Wide Sketchcrawl began at 8am for me this morning when my grandson, Aidan's, baseball team had a game.

The sun was nice, but the wind was cold, cold, cold!!

I dressed in multiple layers, wore my heaviest coat, and draped this blanket over my back, and still nearly froze while doing some sketching of the kids and the field.

The kid sketches are like many I've posted here and elsewhere, so I haven't posted them here.  In fact, I quit sketching after a while but then remembered, hey, this is a WWSK day, so I reopened my sketchbook and sketched out the view straight in front of me.

It's this one: the view behind the 1st baseman from my point of view.

Since I had announced the WWSkcrawl would begin at 10am this morning, I left the game before it ended so I could meet whoever might show up.

I parked in the parking lot where we were to meet-up and positioned my truck directly across the street from the third sketch down.

What is now Edward Jones was, a long time ago, a very popular men's clothing store, "Lantor's Men's Clothing."  I bought my first pair of Levi's in that store when I was about 14 years old.

The sketch was done with colored pencils, something I never, never, do.  I still don't know why I used them.  The watercolor set, brushes, and water was right there in my bag, but for some unknown reason I used the colored pencils instead.  I don't like it. Wish I had used the watercolors.  Oh well.

The last sketch is an old house that sits on Clearwater in west Kennewick.  I had a burrito at Tony's Taco Truck and spotted this old place out my windshield.

The house sits in the midst of an old trailer park and a small forest of huge sycamore trees that were there when I used to ride my bike up and down Clearwater....late '50's.

I'll bet it never thought it would go worldwide.

I had a good day sketching.

Oh, yes, LaPoynte was the only other person to show for the 10am sketch, but he quickly disappeared. I guess he got cold, too. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jim - you should be a postman! I mean wind nor snow nor sleet nor hail... Sorry you were out there by yourself, though I'm thinking a grandson's game is where you'd like to be on Saturdays, no matter what the weather. The drawings and the stories are great, as usual.
