
Thursday, January 3, 2013

"Richland Yacht Club"

Big splashes of sunlight this morning pushed me out into the the streets and boulevards looking for something to draw. I sketched the intersection at Gage and Leslie, then looking for something better, I found myself in downtown Kennewick.  Nothing there jumped out at me and there was a cloud cover moving in.  Crossed the river into Pasco and drove over to CBC where I purchased two Super Aquabee Sketchbooks for the price of one at Craft Warehouse, then decided to drive home for lunch.  On the Pasco-Richland bridge I spotted the Richland Yacht Club.  The sketch came out horribly, so I just photoshopped the gee whiz out of it and it came like this.


  1. Searching, searching, searching - nothing to draw around here... THIS is very cool. I learned something about painting skies (not necessarily on the computer) and am dying to try it. I'm thinking that means we have to be OUTSIDE to paint but dangit, it's cold.
