
Wednesday, January 30, 2013


The Sketch Group met today to work up some ideas for Mercer Winery's new specialty wine they are choosing to call "EAGLE & PLOW"  We drew out there last summer and they determined we might be able to give them something fun and original.

This was so much harder than it sounded!  It is a very specific request - from eagles and plows to America and wine and vegetables - whew!  I started with some eagles then went to some fields...

...liked the radiant lines of the plow lines and the grape vines - but that darn eagle.

I ended up with this one but need to flesh it out a bit.  Or start over completely...  
We decided as a group to work on it on our own this week and get back together again next week for one more joint sketch.   Hope they like something we come up with and if not, hey, we are only 
Human Sketchers.

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