
Saturday, October 13, 2012

"37th World Wide Sketchcrawl - Los Gatos, CA"

What a treat today to spend some time with my friend, Irene Wang, and new friend Connie Rizzuto in Los Gatos for this 37th WWSk!  Irene and I met last July when we were both in Santo Dolmingo at the the Urban Sketchers Symposium.  It was great to meet up with her and her friends Jack and Alice, who were also in Santo Domingo, for breakfast this morning; then to spend the day with Irene.

We started at the Old Grist Mill in Los Gatos this morning. You can
see Irene in this sketch.  She is in front of the car.
This old Cletrac tractor, rust and all, sits along the wall just outside
the museum in Los Gatos.  

The "Old Town" area of Los Gatos is made up of some of the
old buildings, but something tells me none of these are much like
the old buildings they used to be.  Bill Clinton visited here
when he was campaining way back when.

This was on the way back from Los Gatos to San Jose.  It is the Mission in Santa
Clara.  It sits on the beautiful campus at Santa Clara University. 


  1. Great to see Jim! I LOVE that you can look back at these sketches and remember EVERYTHING there is in them. To draw them, you really have to LOOK and that makes the experience all the greater. If only they made smelly paints...

  2. Hi Jim
    It was great to meet you and Lois and have you join our small group to explore Los Gatos via sketching. This is one of the 'perks' of belonging to online networks like and I'll be linking your blog on
