
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"Farmers" Market - Los Angeles"

We are in LA/Anaheim this week with our daughter and her family.  On this day we went to the Farmers' Market, where everyone from ordinary and sundry people (us), and other people like Brad Pitt shop for great comfort foods, French pastries, Brazilian beef, cool Route 66 signs, and fountain drinks.  Lois and I shared a great Philly Cheesesteak sandwich and I sketched a few of the sundry people found there.

Afterwards we drove to the Santa Monica Pier and Venice Beach, more sketches to follow: 


  1. I am thinking sun dried people... Hey - are you gone on Friday? (Love the sketch, by the way, the perspective is great - big people in front, etc., etc.)

  2. Will be in town and plan to go sketching with you Friday morning.
