
Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I finally contacted the person in charge and she sent me an itinerary that is 6 pages long!  It appears that they are showing all kinds of locations to paint in Dayton and Walla Walla both in the morning and the afternoon so everyone will pretty much be spread out all over.  Contact me at and I'll forward you the itinerary if you'd like but I still plan on leaving the 509Artspace parking lot at 9 to head over there.  I won't go so far as Dayton but will locate one of these points to paint on her itinerary for Friday.  If the weather is rainy, I most likely won't go - to give you a heads up!  I would like to drive myself as I'd like to stay and have dinner with my friend from the France workshop but I think it would be most fun to go as a group and draw like we've done in the past.

1 comment:

  1. The weather stunk today - let's hope for better tomorrow! There's really no reason to drive all the way to Walla Walla if it's going to be rainy. I really want to be outside drawing the vineyards and the great outdoors.

    Is anyone else out there thinking about meeting up at the Artspace Friday morning to head to Walla Walla? If I'm the only one, I'll just leave from home and head out when I'm sure about the weather (or as sure as a person can be!).
