
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lunch: Roast Beef Sammies, Tortellini Pasta, and Smoothies

Lunch: Smoothie and San by jimbmgarner
Lunch: Smoothie and San, a photo by jimbmgarner on Flickr.
So here it is June 26th and while the rest of the country is sweltering under the blistering sun, we are holding steady in the upper sixties and it is raining.

So, rather than head out into the wet, cold, dreary urban settings to find something to draw, a fire is going in the fireplace, some soft Brazilian Jazz is playing somewhere in the house and I'm watercoloring this little sketch I did at lunch right here in front of the fire.

What a great day.

1 comment:

  1. A GREAT day to stay inside by the fire and draw (and EAT!). Too bad that was not in the cards for me today. However, I DID stay sound asleep until 8:30 and was woken up by the doorbell because the cleaning ladies arrived and it was a bit embarrassing to answer the door the way I looked and OBVIOUSLY not having even been up yet. Does a person fitting that description NEED a cleaning lady. Yes.
