
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"Pencil Marks are Important"

Tuesday I woke up and it was COLD!!!  I didn't plan for this - I aimed for HEAT!  So, I stayed inside and simply looked out the window to this view - (holy smoke!).  The first is a sketch I did first then I did it again in watercolor.  There is no ink outline, like my little drawings in my sketch journal or the ones I do with the Urban Sketchers - this is a real, full blown water color.  Ovanes says the pencil marks are important.  The wet washes are important and you build the painting layer at a time.  The colors in the drawing are really terrific simply due to the fact that there are SO many - building and building to make the darker darks and leaving a thin, transparent layer for the lights.  A great thing about watercolor is you can always 'erase' by wetting the brush and rubbing out something you don't like.

1 comment:

  1. Does he recommend leaving the pencil marks. I alway like seeing them in a nicely done watercolor. Seems to add to the loose affect.
