
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Featured Group: "The Whidbey Island Sketchers"

We found the Whidbey Island Sketchers (WISKrs) online while browsing through the Urban Sketchers site and wanted to feature them here today.  Whidbey Island has some beautiful features and what artist wouldn't like to get their eyes and paints on such a place?  The WISkers do partake of those wonderful sights, but they also go indoors and "do" people in coffee shops, libraries and around the island.      

On their blog they say, "We’re a group of people on Whidbey Island who love to draw.  We're all about learning from one another, showcasing the unique character (and characters) of Whidbey Island, and most importantly - having fun.  Anyone can join us and all levels are welcome."  

Here are a few of their images: 


  1. Wow! I just stumbled over here from your flickr page and what a surprise! And what an honor to be in the same company as Cathy Gatland, you last featured sketcher. Thanks for featuring us. Just fyi, there are some ideas being thrown around for a regional sketch meet here on Whidbey next summer. Maybe a weekend thing. We are working on it with the Seattle and Portland groups. Hope you all can join us, too!

  2. Maybe we should see if we could take a trip to Whidbey Island and join up with this fun group!

  3. Hey 509ers, thanks so much for featuring our blog. Sure appreciate it.

    We love your work and can't wait to get together some time.

    Cheers from the other side of the state!
